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How to Bug Proof Electrical Outlets

Bug Proofing Electrical Outlets

Bugs can crawl inside the tiniest cracks and holes, including your electrical outlets. This would be bad enough on its own, but once they’re inside of a nice, cozy place, they’re also likely to multiply. You see, bugs are able to easily find a source of food inside your outlets, which turns outlets into the perfect shelter. How can you avoid this issue in your Gainesville, FL, home? Mister Sparky is here to tell you all about it!

What Bugs Might Be Hiding in My Electrical Outlets?

There are tons of different insects that could take up residence inside your outlets. Even mice have been known to move into these dark, secluded environments. Some common insects that might be living inside your electrical outlets include:

  • Ants
  • Wasps
  • Termites
  • Bed bugs
  • Spiders
  • Cockroaches

Each of the above prefers to live in a tight, dark, and out-of-sight location. To a bug, the inside of your electrical outlets may seem like the perfect hiding spot. What they don’t realize, however, is that their presence could end up compromising your electrical system. They could even end up inadvertently sparking an electrical fire, which would put all your lives in danger.

Additionally, having bugs living in your electrical outlets could cause the circuit boards and electrical contacts to become corroded. It’s also possible that a bug’s desire for food could result in it chewing on the wiring. This can easily cause your circuits to short out. Plus, there is the grossness of having bugs tracking in debris and leaving their waste behind.

How Can I Get Rid of These Bugs?

You have every reason to believe that there are bugs inside your electrical outlets. What should be your first step? Put down the pesticides and don’t poke around the outlet. All this is going to accomplish is damaging your electrical system. Even worse, it’s entirely possible that you could get hurt.

Instead of doing the above, remove the plate cover so you can get a better idea of how bad the infestation actually is. If you only see evidence of a small number of bugs, you can put the cover back on and apply boric acid dust to its surface. This is the safest way for you to try to eradicate pests without having to call an exterminator.

Of course, if you have a large infestation, the absolute best way to handle it is by having pest control take over. They have the specialized knowledge and tools to address the problem right away. In fact, they should be your first call. After all, it doesn’t make much sense to call an electrician to repair your electrical outlet if the bugs are still inside your walls.

What Type of Danger Does Each Bug Present?

Believe it or not, the type of pest that is inside your electrical outlet can make a big difference in the amount of damage it can cause.


When an ant is in your kitchen searching for food, it can easily slip inside one of your power outlets. Once it’s in there, it’ll discover the perfect place to nest. Meanwhile, ants will often chew through insulation. This will expose the wires, which can turn into a serious fire hazard.


Wasps inside your electrical outlet present a danger to everyone in your Gainesville home. First off, if someone gets too close to the outlet, a wasp might come out to attack. Secondly, a wasp nest can cause electrical shortages and might even cause a fire.


Although termites prefer to eat wood, they’ll also begin eating through electrical wires if given the opportunity. Once they’ve damaged the plastic casing that surrounds your wires, they can cause part of your electrical system to short circuit. This will leave you without power to certain parts of your Gainesville home, and it could lead to an electrical fire.

Bed Bugs

Most people assume that bed bugs are only found on beds, but this isn’t the case. Some of them might even choose your electrical outlets as a place to hide. The good news is that bed bugs do not actively seek to harm your electricity. Unfortunately, by burrowing into small crevices, they can short-circuit your electrical devices. Furthermore, when they shed their skin and/or leave their feces behind, it can cause failures in your electrical equipment.


Spiders are the least harmful pests on this list, but you still need to be aware that they could disrupt electrical connections inside your outlet. Generally speaking, a spider only enters a power outlet for two reasons: to find food or to build a web. The bigger problem is with the other bugs that a spider could potentially attract into your outlets.


Once a cockroach makes its way inside one of your electrical outlets, it’ll build a nest there. This can cause major issues, including damaging your internal wiring system, damaging your outlet, and even serious health issues for your family. Therefore, if you ever notice a cockroach near a power outlet, it’s a good idea to immediately contact a professional exterminator.

How Can You Repair Your Outlet?

You must take a three-pronged approach to dealing with any infestation. First, call a professional pest control company. After they’ve dealt with the bugs, move on to contacting a professional electrician. They can determine what damage has been done and correct it. Finally, install a new outlet.

Gainesville’s Professional Electricians

Mister Sparky in Gainesville has an expert team of electricians that can handle any electrical problems you may face, including outlet installations, safety inspections, EV charging stations, etc. Our team also offers 24/7 assistance for electrical emergencies.

Do you have bugs hiding inside of your electrical outlets? Don’t wait, as that will make your risk of an electrical fire increase. Reach out to Mister Sparky in Gainesville right away!