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Signs You Need a Circuit Breaker Replaced

Mister Sparky Electrician Techs, Mike and Alex, in front of a service vanYour circuit breaker plays an essential role in your home. This component controls the flow of electricity while preventing circuit overloads and fires. However, circuit breakers can wear out and fail over time.

Sometimes, you may need a new breaker. How do you know if it is time for a replacement? Let’s look at the signs that your circuit breaker needs to be replaced in your home.

Top Signs You Need a Circuit Breaker Replaced

Frequent Tripping

One of the most common signs that you need a replacement is frequent tripping of your circuits and outlets. While a breaker will occasionally trip due to overloads or short circuits, repeated tripping could be a sign of a bigger issue. When the breaker experiences constant tripping, it cannot handle the electrical load in your home. Keep in mind that a circuit breaker may trip for other reasons. For example, if too many devices are plugged into one circuit and it malfunctions, it could be a sign that the component is defective. Any repeated tripping will wear down the breaker, making replacement inevitable.

Breaker Will Not Reset

Sometimes, a reset breaker will continue to trip. In these cases, you could have a serious fault within the breaker. Trips can happen when the component detects unsafe electrical current conditions. A faulty breaker will cause this device to trip even when the electrical system works properly. Many times, this is an indication of internal damage or worn-out connections. All those issues will need to be resolved by a skilled electrician.

Burning Smell Around the Box

If you smell something burning, that is almost always a sign that something is wrong with your electricity. You should never have strong smells near the breaker box. It indicates that the wires or the breaker itself are overheating. That is a warning sign that you could have an electrical fire.

Overheating happens when the breaker cannot stop excess electrical currents and has experienced damage. If you notice any burning smells, turn off the breaker immediately and call a licensed electrician. Shutting off the power can help to prevent a fire from starting in your home.

Physical Damage to Switches or Boxes

If you see any physical damage, that is another sign of a potential need for replacement. You will want to inspect for any signs of corrosion, burns, or fraying on the wires connected to the breaker. Scorch marks, rust, or melting plastic are signs that the breaker has experienced overheating or electricity jumps between connections. A physically damaged box is not safe to use. You will want to reach out to an electrician as soon as possible for a replacement.

Flickering or Dimming Lights

Any dimming or flickering is another sign that you need to replace the circuit breaker box. When the breaker cannot maintain a steady flow of electricity, that is often due to internal failure. Remember, other issues, such as worn-out wiring or heavy electrical loads, could cause that flickering light. However, if the lights are dimming in several rooms, the breaker could be nearing the end of its life.

Buzzing or Humming Sounds

You never want to hear humming or buzzing from the breaker box. Any noise means there is a serious electrical issue that needs immediate help. Breakers should operate silently. These sounds indicate that the breaker box is not safe to use. Many times, this is caused by electrical arcing or the breaker failing to trip. With these issues, you have electricity passing through the circuits even with a fault in the system. This can lead to overheating, fires, and damage to your electrical devices. You will need to replace the circuit breaker right away.

Old Age of the Circuit Breaker

Unfortunately, components do not have an unlimited lifespan. Eventually, you will need to replace them. Circuit breakers can last between 30 and 40 years. However, heavy electrical loads and usage patterns can shorten their lifespan. If you have an older home with a breaker that has not been replaced in several decades, it is time for a new model. You will want to consider an upgrade, even if you’re not currently experiencing problems.

Older breakers may not function as efficiently as newer models, especially when they need to regulate electricity to modern appliances. Many times, these outdated breakers may not handle the increased load, which can cause frequent tripping or potential damage to your electrical system.

When it comes time to replace a circuit breaker, this is not a do-it-yourself project. You need a skilled and experienced licensed electrician for the task. At Mister Sparky in Gainesville, we can help with this project. Our technicians will inspect the circuit breaker and install a model that can meet all your electrical needs. Whether you need a breaker box replacement or have other electrical concerns, contact us today to schedule an appointment for your home.