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Should I Upgrade My Electrical Panel When Rewiring?

Mister Sparky Electrician Tech, Jane, speaking with homeowners and husband pointing at her tabletRewiring your house is a big task that comes with a lot of important decisions to make. One of the biggest questions people in Gainesville often ask is whether they should replace the electrical panel. It is responsible for distributing power to outlets around the house and helps prevent overloads. Although replacing the panel is ideal in most cases, it may not always be necessary.

Signs You Need To Replace Your Electrical Panel

These are some signs that your electrical panel needs to be replaced.

Your Panel Is Old

Electrical panels may last between 25 and 40 years. However, some factors can shorten their useful age. If your panel is within this range, it is wise to upgrade it. Older panels may not comply with modern safety requirements and power standards. Some of them are also more prone to creating electrical fires.

Your Panel Uses Fuses

Fuse-based panels still exist in some homes that were built before 1960. They are more likely to overheat and cause fires. This is especially true if you accidentally replace a blown fuse with one that is the wrong size. In comparison with modern circuit breakers, fuse panels are less safe.

Your Breakers Trip Frequently

When breakers trip often, it signifies that the panel is struggling to manage the electrical load. The panel may be outdated or insufficient to handle all the appliances or devices you use.

Your Panel May Be Damaged

The panel may have visible damage. If there is water damage, replace it immediately. Also, corrosion and rust are signs that you need to quickly replace the panel. Some types of damage increase the risks of electrocution and fires.

Your Panel May Have Insufficient Amperage

Older panels often have 60 to 100 amps. However, new panels have more than 200 amps and are more suitable for modern needs. If you plan to expand your house, you may need a panel with a higher amperage.

Benefits of Upgrading Your Electrical Panel in Gainesville

These are some of the main benefits of replacing your electrical panel when you rewire your home.

Greater Capacity

The appliances, systems, and gadgets in modern homes demand more electricity than homes of the past. When you upgrade your panel, you enjoy the capacity to meet your needs. A new panel can handle larger loads without tripping or overloading frequently.

Improved Safety

New panels reduce the risks of electrocution, fires, and other dangers. Additionally, newer panels are more dependable.


Some people add extra rooms or other spaces to their homes. Whether you plan to add space or make other upgrades, a new panel is better for meeting your future needs.

More Efficiency

Modern panels enhance efficiency by evenly distributing electricity. This reduces strain on circuits and lowers the risk of electrical problems.

Higher House Value

If you sell your home in the future, a new electrical panel can help increase your property’s market value. In addition, it boosts the perceived value for its safety benefits.

Signs You May Not Need an Upgraded Electrical Panel

A panel that is more than 200 amps or under 25 years of age may not need to be replaced. However, it is still smart to have an electrician inspect it to make sure. You may not need an upgrade if the changes you want to make to your home do not include a significant increase in electrical load. If you have a tight budget, it may also make an upgrade prohibitive.

Talk to a Professional Electrician in Gainesville

Deciding whether you should keep your current panel or upgrade it is not always an easy decision. A licensed electrician can inspect it, determine your electrical needs, review options with you, and make recommendations. Also, when it is time to install a new panel, a professional can do it safely. Professionals know how to comply with important safety standards and electrical codes as well. While upgrading comes with plenty of benefits, it is important to consider your specific needs before you decide.

If you are thinking about rewiring your home in Gainesville, Mister Sparky is here to help. We have a team of experienced, qualified electricians who can offer you guidance and valuable insights. Our company takes pride in our reputation for high-quality service. We are happy to show you why our services promote safety and efficiency in your home. Please contact us to learn more about electrical panel upgrades and rewiring in Gainesville, Florida.